1.5 Years Later

March 19th, 2018

Wow. I cannot believe that it has been almost two years since I’ve written on my blog. So many exciting and new things have happened between Aug 2016 and now.


  • My twins are finishing-up their 1st year of kindergarten and they’re loving it! Well, at least 90% of the time they are loving it; homework, tests, and learning to deal with the fact that not everyone wants to be your friend completes the other 10%. #kindergartenproblems.


  • I’m back in school again (for myself)! Valencia offered to send me back to school (tuition free) to get my Graduate Mathematics Certificate so that I can teach any undergraduate Mathematics course at any Florida college or university!! I was beyond shocked when the dean of the math department approached me with this opportunity. What are you supposed to say when someone offers you a free education that could advance your career? You say, “HELL YAY!!” – LOL. So far, I have successfully completed 1 course (Scientific Computing) and I’m currently enrolled in my 2nd course (Advanced Mathematics for Engineers) and I still have 4 more courses to complete to finish my certificate. I am beyond blessed and grateful at the opportunity that Valencia has given me and I cannot help but think that this degree will lead me to bigger & better career opportunities.
  • Speaking of bigger & better opportunities, I’ve finally realized that teaching high school just isn’t for me anymore. For those of you that personally know me, you probably know by now that I’ve always dreamed of becoming a full-time-tenure-college-mathematics-instructor. Well, my experience at Valencia has opened my heart & mind to a new love for education; however, my experience has also removed the blinders on my current situation. Throughout my 10 years of experience teaching at the same high school, my patience-level has worn-thin, and I no longer believe in the educational system in which I am working and serving in. I’ll get into much more detail on this topic later; but for now, my husband and I have decided that it might be time for me to leave the traditional public high school classroom for good. Where I will go is still to be determined; all I know is that God will be leading the way. Amy

So there you have it; 1.5 years later and my kids are growing-up way too fast and I’m about to shift my career in an entirely different direction. Only He knows where I’m going from here. Thanks for visiting my blog again after so long. See you soon.



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