Post Op – Day 12: The Scar Reveal

June 28, 2016

Today I had my third post-op appointment. Besides the drain removal, this was one of the most anticipated doctors’ visits for me because the nurses finally removed my surgical tape & breast stitches revealing my scars; and I have to say, I am very pleased. My tummy tuck scar and breast lift anchor scars are perfect. My horizontal tummy tuck scar is perfectly curved; and my nipple scar is as round as can be! One of the biggest fears I had about my mommy makeover surgery was the final scars. I was so afraid of having jagged-dark-raised-bumpy scars that I see in so many online photo’s; and one of the reasons I picked Dr. Soto as my surgeon was because of the beautiful scars on his before/after photos. Well he did not disappoint. I am BEYOND pleased!

tummy tuck scarIf you think the scars look great now, they are only going to get better. Dr. Soto has an amazing wrinkle cream that he likes to use for scar treatment! I know what you are thinking …. Why a wrinkle cream? Well, as the scar heals (and wrinkles-up) the wrinkle cream helps smooth-out the scars and the dark color that usually accompanies a new scar. Unfortunately, this wrinkle cream comes with a pretty price tag; but if it yields the scars that I’ve seen on his before/after photos, then I believe that it’s worth the money. And at this point, I’ve already invested in getting my pre-baby-body back, I might as well finish the final look with light-beautiful-scars.

One of the criticisms I have is that I have a vertical tummy tuck scar. Apparently, I didn’t have enough excess skin to pull down to completely remove my belly button during the tummy tuck procedure; so my original belly button needed to be cut out. The scar is jagged – like a “z” – but Dr. Soto assured me that it will lighten with the wrinkle cream and will barely be noticeable in a few months. Luckily, the vertical scar is still covered by most panties and bathing suit bottoms.

The other criticism I have has to do with my breasts. Before this mommy makeover procedure, my breasts were covered with stretch marks; you just couldn’t see them because of all the excess skin and sagging of the breast tissue. So now that I’ve had some of the excess skin removed, my stretch marks are much more noticeable. As you can see from some of the images, I have stretch marks all around my breasts. The one unfortunate thing about surgery is that you can’t take away stretch marks – surgery isn’t magic. But even with the stretch marks, my breasts are still 100x better then what they were before surgery – and I am very happy.

nipple   under breast

Overall, I’m pretty pleased with the scars and am looking forward to watching them heal through this long process. But now that my stitches are out and the surgical tape has been removed, I have become extremely itchy. I seriously can’t stop itching and scratching. I know it’s a part of the healing process, but it is just so annoying. I am having scratch attacks all the time and cannot wait until this itchy healing process resolves.


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Post OP – Day 8: Second Doctor’s Appointment

June 24, 2016

So today I had my 2nd post-op appointment. As per my last doctor’s appointment, my doctor was a little concerned about the bulge below my breasts. He had mentioned to me that he wasn’t sure if the bulge below my breasts was swelling due to improper placement of the compression binder – or – if I had damaged my muscle repair. Luckily it was just swelling!! My upper abdominal area has finally flattened out!! I was so scared that he was going to find something wrong with how I was wearing my compression garment again. I really didn’t want to be scolded. I don’t know what it is about him, but when your recovery isn’t going according to his plan, he defiantly makes sure you feel his disappointment. I swear I felt like a 5 yr old disappointing my parents. But this time, it was all praises!!! So Yey!!!

Monday Appointment: W/ Upper Tummy Bulge:         VS.                         Friday Appointment: Flat Tummy !!!

Tubes                         flat tummy

On another good note, my doctor decided to remove my right drain (my left drain was removed during my first post-op appointment on Monday). Although I was excited about the removal of my last drain, I was not looking forward to the pain. Getting the drains removed is actually really painful!! First, they cut the stitches holding the drains in place (this wasn’t painful). Then, they tell you to take 3 deep breaths, and on the exhale of breath # 3 they pull the drain as hard and as fast as they can out of your hip. Let me just say that it felt like there was a firey-snake slithering out of my stomach. And boy are those drain tubes long!! I was surprised at how much tubing was inside of me.

However, with all the good things happening, I do have some minor setbacks – or annoyances as my doctor likes to call them.



Apparently, hemorrhoids are pretty common after having your abdominal muscles tightened and being squeezed to death by a tummy binder; it has nothing to do with constipation. Since I wasn’t allowed to shower while my drains were in, I wasn’t allowed to take a sitz bath to get some relief from the hemorrhoid pain. So instead, I tried to shrink my hemorrhoids with ice by sitting on an ice cold, rolled-up wash cloth that I’d shove between my butt cheeks. This at least provided some temporary relief.

<——— The picture my Mom will blackmail me with
This is me sitting on my walker with an ice-cold, rolled-up, wash cloth shoved up my ass cheeks



Annoyance # 2) BLISTERS !!!

BlisterThe tummy binder has been rubbing so tightly on my hips that I’ve developed a few blisters. And the bra that I’m required to wear after my breast lift / implant has given me another blister on the underside of my breast. This is soooo annoying…. and painful. So far, 3 of my 4 blisters have popped and are oozing. Hopefully the big-ole-blood-blister won’t pop and will heal on its own. So in in the meantime, I have excessive medical padding and 3 layers of cloth on my hip blisters all compressed under my tummy binder.


Annoyance # 3) Breast Massage

Today my doctor taught me how to massage my breasts so that I don’t develop capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is the scar tissue that can form around breast implants which causes the breasts to harden and sometimes look deformed. A lot of times capsular contracture is very painful and can make the breast feel very lumpy and tight. So to massage my breasts, I have to pinch the breast tissue below my nipple, push inward and upward until I see my implant hit my collar bone. Yes, you read that right, I literally am pushing my implant out of my breast and up into my collar bone and upper chest area. Surprisingly, it isn’t as painful as I thought it would be – just a really weird annoying feeling.

I have to say, overall the tummy tuck and boob job was not very painful. I think the best word to describe the entire experience would be uncomfortable. The back pain, the hemorrhoids, the tummy drains, and the blisters have been more painful than anything else.  Granted, I say this as I am no longer on pain medication. I stopped my pain medication 4 days post-op and have only used Tylenol and ice ever since.

Well, my next post-op appointment will be on Tuesday and my doctor plans on taking off the surgical tape around my incisions. This will be my first view of my scars.

Also, Sunday will be my last day at Casa-de-Mom. I have been staying at my parents house since the day after surgery. I’m a little afraid to go home. I’ve been so spoiled here and well taken care of. I can honestly say that my recovery has gone so well due to the care I’ve received here. As much as I miss my husband and my children, I know that being away from home is exactly what I needed for the beginning phase of my recovery. Once I go home, I’ll need to be a mommy again; and as selfish as I feel saying this – I have mixed feelings about going home.


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Post OP Day 4 – The Big Reveal

June 20, 2016

As expected, I did have 1 morning episode due to nerves – which only made my hemorrhoids feel that much better (for those of you that didn’t know, that was sarcasm). Honestly, the throbbing hemorrhoid pain is worse than the pain from my surgery.

Once I cleaned up from my morning episode, my Mom and I decided to leave early for my first follow up appointment. We were expecting to encounter another red-tail-light-party on Interstate 4.

As we pull into the parking space at my doctor’s office 30 minutes early, I was praying that there wouldn’t be any other waiting patients in the main lobby area. I didn’t want anyone seeing me. I looked absolutely terrible. I haven’t showered since last Wednesday, my hair was a mess, I was wearing my husband’s cut-up button-up shirt and a pair of his basketball shorts, and I was still walking hunched back like a grandma.

Luckily the receptionists saw how un-presentable I was and brought me into a private waiting room away from the other patients. As much as I appreciated their gesture, I’m sure they didn’t want me scaring the potential patients coming in for consolations. One look at me and his future patients may have just changed their minds – haha.

Within a few minutes I was taken back into an exam room and my doctor and nurse came in and starting taking off my garments and dressings. It was the moment of truth. I was about to see my new self. Here it is folks !!!

I must say that I love the way my new boobies look. But I – as well as my surgeon – was concerned about my stomach. Although it is difficult to see in the image above, I have a bulge in my muscles right below my breasts. Dr. Soto said it could be a results of 1 of 2 things.

  1. TubesIt could be swelling. Dr. Soto said that my stomach compression was not as tight as it should have been. In fact, he seemed extremely disappointed as he undid my compression garment saying “you didn’t follow our instructions”. This really brought my spirits down. I could swear I was doing everything correctly. But, if the issue is swelling, then it should be an easy fix.
  2. It could be that I ripped up upper abdominal stitches. This would be the worst case scenario. If this is what happened, it could have occurred when I was couching the fluid out of my lungs or it could have happened by the overuse of my core muscles when trying to balance myself on the toilet.

Unfortunately, my surgeon really won’t know what the issue is until a few days after proper compression.

belly creseThe other issue I’m having with my stomach is below my belly button. It seems that I now have a vertical skin crease. I know I’m being too picky, but it looks like I’ve got an extra vagina lip on my lower abdomen. Dr. Soto said it should resolve itself as my swelling decreases over the weeks of healing.

I’m sure I’m being extremely picky and sensitive about my new body – and I know I need to give my body time to heal before I make any final judgement, but I do wish my stomach looked better. I think I had such high expectations. My Mom keeps reminding me that it will look better over time. It takes 6 – 12 months to see your true final results. And in this instant gratification world, I see myself already being impatient only 4 days into recovery.

I definitely still have a long way to go; and I pray for quick healing and patience as I go through these next few weeks.


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Post-OP Day 1 – 3

June 17, 2016 – June 19, 2016

Discomfort would be the word to describe these three days. The tummy binder has been squeezing me so tight that my ass decided to push out 2 grape-sized hemorrhoids, the skin on my torso has developed permanent indentations, and my uterus started bleeding 9 days early. Not to mention that I’m still walking with my back hunched over and it’s killing my lower back. Also, still no bowel movement yet – definitely scared of what that will feel like. But maybe tomorrow will be the day.

Tomorrow will be my first follow up appointment with my surgeon where I’ll get to see myself for the first time. I am super excited, nervous, anxious and everything in-between; and if I know my body best, I’m sure I’ll have a few nervous episodes in the restroom before tomorrow’s appointment – haha. But in the mean time, I’ll just say in my comfy recliner in my parents living room.



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