New Opportunities Are Exciting!

July 14, 2016

I have some exciting news!!!

Usually this follows with … “I’M PREGNANT!!!” … hehe. But not this time! No more babies coming from this factory!!!

Anyways, I am excited to announce that I got a 2nd job!!!


Yes, I got a second job as an adjunct professor at Valencia College!!! I will be teaching two classes of Intermediate Algebra on Saturday mornings.


Well first off, let’s be real honest; not many instructors want to teach on a Saturday, and since I will be the newbie in town, I felt like I couldn’t say no.

With that said, after giving it some thought, I realized that teaching Saturday’s will be absolutely perfect for me in terms of family time and financial profit! Think about it for a moment … If I teach on Saturday’s, I can still be home at 3:00 P.M. to spend time with my kids, prepare dinner, get a work-out in, and help my kids with their soon-to-be-homework (they are going to be starting preschool this year – I can’t believe how fast they are growing). Also, I won’t have to pay my nanny to watch the kids – my amazing husband can do that. Like I told him, “think of it as special father-daughter time”.

For those of you that know me personally, you’ve known of my long-awaited goal to teach at the college level. I have yearned for this job for so long. The thought of being able to teach students who want to learn, have the desire to learn, and have a goal for their life is intriguing. Now that’s not to say that the students I teach at the high school level don’t have the same desires – but the majority of my students are immature teenagers who haven’t yet had a taste of reality. They are more concerned about their expensive shoes, hats, and phones, than getting a good grade in a class – especially in a subject they already dislike.  So it will be heavenly to teach a different type of student.

I look forward to not worry about lesson plans, Marzano, disciplinary issues, parent conferences, and pointless after school meetings. For once I will be able to taste educational freedom. For once I will get to experience what it’s like to simply teach.


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