About Me

Welcome to My Second Shift…

Me 1

My name is Kelly and I am a working Mom trying to get through one day at a time. During the daytime, I am a teacher to 150 wild and crazy teenagers; during the evenings I professor to 25 goal-driven students; during the evenings I am a wife and a mother of 3 kids, and on Saturday’s I am a part-time graduate student seeking a 2nd masters degree in Mathematics at UCF. I know what you’re thinking – I’ve got a lot on my plate, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


As Mom’s, I know we sometimes feel alone – at least I know I do; and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. just exacerbates that feeling. Everything I see on these sites is so fake; there is no authenticity. No one truly has 1,000 friends; no one has the perfect life that you see portrayed in everyone’s pictures and updates . But yet when you view their profile, they seem to have everything going for them – everything is picture perfect.

I can say with 100% confidence that my life is far from perfect, and I’m sure that I’m not alone in making this statement. Unlike the many people on Fakebook, I have no problem sharing my not-so-perfect life on social-media. In fact, I enjoy sharing my struggles with others – because I truly believe that someone out there is reading my posts and will feel comforted knowing that they are not alone; and maybe one day they too will share something that is not so perfect.

So with that I welcome you to My Second Shift … and I hope you too can find comfort knowing that you are not alone in this experience call motherhood.

Thanks for reading !!! See you soon !!!

