Why I am blogging about my mommy makeover

June 3, 2016

To be perfectly honest, I had no idea how to begin my search for my surgeon. I knew exactly what I wanted, but I had no clue who to talk to. Other than a simple boob job, no one I knew at the time has ever had any major cosmetic procedures done before. So to begin my hunt for a surgeon, I posted on one the most artificial social media sites I know of – Fakebook. 


Back in February, I had written a post on our community Facebook page asking if anyone would recommend me a surgeon for my mommy makeover; and I was profoundly disappointed at the lack of public responses I received.  With the exception of 1 awesome and brave mama, everyone who responded did so through private messaging; no one wanted to publicly admit that they’ve had work done.

arrowThis is one of the many reasons why I chose to start this blog. When does faking-it ever serve anyone? To go around flaunting your new stunning body as if you worked to achieve those results just makes the rest of us feel more self-conscious then we already do. Now, that’s not to say you didn’t work hard with proper exercise, a healthy diet, etc.; but for those of us who do all these things – and more – and still achieved zero results, is disheartening and frustrating to say the least. I’ve tried everything I can think of to whip my body back into shape. I’ve done 4 straight months of eating right and exercising. My exercise routine consists of Insanity, P90X, and running 3 miles in the evening. Unfortunately, there isn’t any exercise in the world that can fix the issues that my two pregnancies have caused. I am so unhappy with my aftermath of my two pregnancies – at times I wont even let my husband touch me because I turn myself off. I NEED this surgery. I NEED to feel sexy again.

So as promised, I have attached for you my BEFORE pictures.


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1 Comment

  1. You are being honest in your decision to redesign the damage. You won’t regret charting your journey. Your own daughters will have you as their model of success.

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