My Big Decision …

June 2, 2016

I seriously can’t believe I’m going through with this. I’ve always been one to judge people who undergo plastic surgery. I used to say things like: “be happy with what God gave you” and “be proud of the battle scars you have”;  but after my beautiful twins Ashley & Aubrey and my last little bundle of joy Amy, I must admit that I am not happy with the aftermath of my two pregnancies and breastfeeding. I have permanently separated abdominal muscles which makes me look like I’m 3 months pregnant (diastasis recti), an umbilical hernia, and excess/stretched out skin on both my tummy and my breasts.

Me 1

I know what many of you are probably thinking: “What are you talking about … you look great!” Well, I can assure you that what you see on the outside is deceiving; even my grandmother had a socking reaction when she saw the aftermath of what 18 months of pregnancy and breastfeeding did to me. I believe her exact words were, “Oh my-gosh … I am so sorry Kelly”. And if grandma says it’s bad, then you know it’s bad.

So in exactly 2 weeks from today, I will be getting a full tummy tuck, liposuction of the flanks, a breast lift, and breast implants! I am beyond excited – but I’m even more scared. I’m scared of the long recovery and the effect it will have on my husband and children; I’m scared of the financial commitment this surgery requires; and I’m scared that my decision to do this is a selfish one.

For those of you who know me best, you know I don’t like to ask for help. I am very independent; sometimes a little too independent – and knowing that I need to rely on others to care for me and my children while I’m recovering is not something I’m looking forward to. But I can no longer live with what looks like a wrinkley-old-stretched-out-saggy women’s body – I NEED this change.

So wish me luck and let the countdown begin !!! I can’t wait to share my results with you!


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