How I hide my imperfections

June 8, 2016

Now that you’ve all seen me in-the-buff, I am sure many of you are wondering how I was able to hide the awful damages that my two pregnancies have caused. Several of you have written to me privately – and others have spoken to me personally – expressing how shocked you were at the images you saw on my last post. Without sounding too conceited, I know I look sexy in my clothes – which is why many of you had no idea the damages that lie underneath. Well, it’s time to reveal my secret inexpensive undergarments that gives me my sexy shape.compressiontummy

     The first undergarment I use DAILY is a high-waisted stomach compression & shaper. This undergarment has been perfect at hiding the 3-month-pregnant-looking belly that my diastasis recti has caused; and for those of you that personally know me, I’m sure you can vouch for how well this compression flattens my stomach and shapes my waist. It is also extremely comfortable and supportive. Quite honestly, I’ve gotten so used to wearing this compression, that I feel naked without it and will literally refuse to leave my house if I’m not wearing it. So if any of you ladies are looking for ways to flattening your distended belly, I highly suggest this stomach compression & shaper. But please actually go to Target and try it on first. The sizes run small. The size I wear is a large; and I can assure you, that I am not a large.

tummy compress

bra     The second undergarment I wear is an oversized, over-padded, Victoria Secret push-up bra. The size I purposely wear is a 34 D – however, my actual cup size is between an A and a B (I’m too big for an A – but – too small for a B).  The reason I wear an over-sized bra is because I was a 34 DD while breastfeeding!! I was HUGE!! Possibly a little too huge (if that’s even possible in my husbands opinion). And to go from a DD to an A/B was too drastic of a change – especially since I teach teenagers. I wanted to keep myself looking proportional throughout the school year. Plus, a lot of the tops I wear require a larger chest size to fill out, and I didn’t want to invest money into new tops when my chest size was going to change YET again.

Well, I hope this was helpful for some of you – it has definitely been a temporary fix for me for years; and hopefully after June 16th, I won’t have to wear them again.

8 more days !!!


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Why I am blogging about my mommy makeover

June 3, 2016

To be perfectly honest, I had no idea how to begin my search for my surgeon. I knew exactly what I wanted, but I had no clue who to talk to. Other than a simple boob job, no one I knew at the time has ever had any major cosmetic procedures done before. So to begin my hunt for a surgeon, I posted on one the most artificial social media sites I know of – Fakebook. 


Back in February, I had written a post on our community Facebook page asking if anyone would recommend me a surgeon for my mommy makeover; and I was profoundly disappointed at the lack of public responses I received.  With the exception of 1 awesome and brave mama, everyone who responded did so through private messaging; no one wanted to publicly admit that they’ve had work done.

arrowThis is one of the many reasons why I chose to start this blog. When does faking-it ever serve anyone? To go around flaunting your new stunning body as if you worked to achieve those results just makes the rest of us feel more self-conscious then we already do. Now, that’s not to say you didn’t work hard with proper exercise, a healthy diet, etc.; but for those of us who do all these things – and more – and still achieved zero results, is disheartening and frustrating to say the least. I’ve tried everything I can think of to whip my body back into shape. I’ve done 4 straight months of eating right and exercising. My exercise routine consists of Insanity, P90X, and running 3 miles in the evening. Unfortunately, there isn’t any exercise in the world that can fix the issues that my two pregnancies have caused. I am so unhappy with my aftermath of my two pregnancies – at times I wont even let my husband touch me because I turn myself off. I NEED this surgery. I NEED to feel sexy again.

So as promised, I have attached for you my BEFORE pictures.


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My Big Decision …

June 2, 2016

I seriously can’t believe I’m going through with this. I’ve always been one to judge people who undergo plastic surgery. I used to say things like: “be happy with what God gave you” and “be proud of the battle scars you have”;  but after my beautiful twins Ashley & Aubrey and my last little bundle of joy Amy, I must admit that I am not happy with the aftermath of my two pregnancies and breastfeeding. I have permanently separated abdominal muscles which makes me look like I’m 3 months pregnant (diastasis recti), an umbilical hernia, and excess/stretched out skin on both my tummy and my breasts.

Me 1

I know what many of you are probably thinking: “What are you talking about … you look great!” Well, I can assure you that what you see on the outside is deceiving; even my grandmother had a socking reaction when she saw the aftermath of what 18 months of pregnancy and breastfeeding did to me. I believe her exact words were, “Oh my-gosh … I am so sorry Kelly”. And if grandma says it’s bad, then you know it’s bad.

So in exactly 2 weeks from today, I will be getting a full tummy tuck, liposuction of the flanks, a breast lift, and breast implants! I am beyond excited – but I’m even more scared. I’m scared of the long recovery and the effect it will have on my husband and children; I’m scared of the financial commitment this surgery requires; and I’m scared that my decision to do this is a selfish one.

For those of you who know me best, you know I don’t like to ask for help. I am very independent; sometimes a little too independent – and knowing that I need to rely on others to care for me and my children while I’m recovering is not something I’m looking forward to. But I can no longer live with what looks like a wrinkley-old-stretched-out-saggy women’s body – I NEED this change.

So wish me luck and let the countdown begin !!! I can’t wait to share my results with you!


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